Verifiable AI Training

Defend Against Lawsuits & Increase Consumer Trust

AI training can be a costly endeavor, but the expenses don't stop there. If an AI model’s training data is suspected to contain copyright or data privacy violations, the company could be sued for millions of dollars. In addition to legal expenses, the costs of retraining models using datasets found to include violations could be astronomical.

Verifiable helps mitigate these risks by making it easy for AI companies prove they have legal rights to use the data they use for training. Comply with regulation and defend against lawsuits from the start.

On top of legal challenges and increasing regulation, consumers are wary about AI in their daily lives. Disinformation, bias, unethical decision making, personal data privacy, and security are all major concerns which present barriers to adoption for many companies.

Brands that want to win the trust of consumers will need to be transparent about their use of AI. They will also need to use high quality data that is legally licensed. Verifiable helps brands do both.



Read about our EthParis Augment Decentralized Hackathon win, where Verifiable was born🏆
Learn more about how Verifiable AI can help your business develop compliant, defensible, & ethical AI

AI companies face costly legal challenges & struggle to win consumer trust as lawsuits & scandals related to copyright infringement, data-privacy violations, & biased inputs generating biased outputs become increasingly common.