July Updates 🌐

Heading into the second half of 2022, July has been an exciting month full of events and new updates! Even in a market downturn, Weavechain is looking up. 🚀

Let’s jump right into our monthly highlights!

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Events: EthCC & DeSci Meetup!! 🧪🧬

In July, our team had the opportunity to attend EthCC Paris, the largest annual European Ethereum event with over 1500 people in attendance. Word about Weavechain is spreading rapidly, and it was amazing to see a vibrant community of innovators, creatives, and entrepreneurs! 💡

Weavechain also hosted a DeSci Meetup, partnering with several leaders from DeSci Labs, CrunchDAO, Atila, and Poincaré and hosted with support from Paris’ premiere Startup campus, Station F! It was inspiring to hear from pioneers in DeSci and discuss the future of Web3 in science. 🔬

Check out the video recap of our meetup:


Full of activity and excitement, we’re so delighted to see the ever-building and growing community in this space! 💚

#Weavechain Team Live from Cluj-Napoca 😸🧃

More fun events! It was great to get the team together to enjoy some nerdy maze shenanigans before dinner and launch our first Weavechain nodes! 🚀

In the second picture, you can see the Weavechain Happy Hour we hosted at ClujHub! Cluj-Napoca is an undiscovered European gem with talented engineers who know how to party! 🍾🥳

It’s official…

We’re thrilled to announce a new partnership with Scurid to offer secure sharing with monetization for sensitive IIoT data sets to benefit consumers and retailers alike.

Scurid brings trust to your IIoT data pipeline, providing a platform that simplifies the adoption of digital identity for IoT/IIoT devices truly owned and controlled by the device itself.

Read the full article on Webwire!

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“Scurid Founder and CEO/CTO Sushant Pandey finds Weavechain perfectly fitting for the solution that’s required to build the Acuri app because of its commitment to security and interoperability with existing systems.”
- WebWire

Want to try it for yourself?
We’re accepting limited beta users!

We’re currently accepting limited users to join beta launches, so sign up or forward this message to a friend who wants to be part of the Web3 data revolution!

Spotlight: Market Downturn

Charts are going down and to the right. VC funding is decreasing. Markets are crashing.

The global venture capital market has seen a sharp downturn in 2022. The number of deals and total investment have fallen sharply. This has led to a lot of founders finding it difficult to raise funding for their startups. 📉

Fear not. Sequoia, a leading VC firm known for investing in growth software and internet companies, hosted a series of sessions for their founders to navigate current market conditions. 🔐

Continue reading: Market Downturn — Kushagra Aryal

Web3 is more than a fad.

With Web3 properties, data becomes more secure and more valuable.

Learn why, and join the forefront of technology that Nasdaq Chief Executive Bob Greifeld called “the biggest opportunity set we can think of over the next decade.”

Thanks for reading!

To learn more about how Weavechain can help your organization:


Personal Data Brokerage Webinar


The Future of Verifiable Credentials